Art provided by Danielle Wolaver


Sunday Services
The Sunday Services are vibrant and varied because of our talented and generous volunteers. Whatever your gifts, time and talent, we need you. You can participate as a Greeter, Zoom host, Speaker, Musician, Artist, or Poet. Or make your own niche. Chat with any of our members after the service or send us an email HERE  You will find many options to connect, serve and make friends at UUCiP.

Board members and officers
The Officers and Trustees of our church Board are all volunteers. We explore ways to help our congregation thrive – making program and budget choices that honor our diverse ways of seeking meaning in our lives. We hold elections once per year at the Annual Meeting

Activity Circles
We encourage members and friends to join in our circles focused on Care and Conversation, the Widening the Circle community service group, or the Building Circle which is working on our plans for a new building.

Partnership representatives
Each of our partnerships and new ones that develop welcome representatives from the congregation to become engaged and bring back messages of opportunities, challenges and successes.


What Is a Pledge?
A pledge is a promise to donate a certain amount of money to the church during the calendar year. It is a statement of intent; it’s not a legally binding obligation. Do not hesitate to pledge generously because you are uncertain about your financial situation. Pledges can be adjusted in times of shifting resources.

Is a Pledge like a Membership Fee?
No. Many of us are members of or donate to other organizations; but participation at this church is different. We expect the church not only to provide worship and religious education for us and our families, but we also count on the church to be here for us in intensely personal ways: when we celebrate, when we grieve and when we work for justice. The church strives to be a Beloved Community which supports us throughout our lives.

Who Should Pledge?To make this a church for all, we ask those who are able to carry a greater financial commitment to our beloved community to do so.
Members who sign the membership book, as well as non-members or friends of the church are ALL invited to pledge! If you have found services, solace, support or meaningful work here, don’t hesitate to make a pledge. Doing so allows us to extend those same blessings to more people in our community and beyond.

How Much Should I Pledge?
Everyone’s circumstances are different. Individual pledges vary from a few dollars per week to many thousands of dollars a year. We recognize and deeply embrace the financial diversity of our congregation. To make this a church for all, we ask those who are able to carry a greater financial commitment to our beloved community to do so.
Your pledge should fit your heart and your budget! Let your pledge be an expression of joy. Financial circumstances are different. Involvement in the church and participation also vary. It is the sense of open-hearted generosity that we ask you to find. One person described this as “Give until it feels good.”


When we meet in person, we collect weekly Sunday offerings to support the work of the congregation. Until we can again meet face-to-face, we ask our members to use the mail or PayPal. Periodically, we take a second offering designated for a special cause or organization, for example, hurricane relief, rebuilding another church after a natural disaster, or a non-profit partner organization.

Donate through PayPal          

Donations may also be mailed to:
UU Church in the Pines, PO Box 1062, Brooksville, FL 34605